The latest issue of the
Columbia Journal of Transnational Law (Vol. 52, no. 1, 2013) is out. Contents include:
Shirin Ebadi, Wolfgang Friedmann Conference Remarks
- Commentary on Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum
Sarah H. Cleveland, The Kiobel Presumption and Extraterritoriality
Paul L. Hoffman, Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co.: First Impressions
Anton Metlitsky, The Alien Tort Statute, Separation of Powers, and the Limits of Federal-Common-Law Causes of Action
Michael D. Ramsey, Returning the Alien Tort Statute to Obscurity
Michael N. Schmitt, Extraterritorial Lethal Targeting: Deconstructing the Logic of International Law
Virginia Harper Ho, Of Enterprise Principles and Corporate Groups: Does Corporate Law Reach Human Rights?
Adam Chilton & Dustin Tingley, Why the Study of International Law Needs Experiments