The latest issue of
Ethics & International Affairs (Vol. 28, no. 1, Spring 2014) is out. Contents include:
- Policy Brief
Michael W. Doyle & Joseph E. Stiglitz, Eliminating Extreme Inequality: A Sustainable Development Goal, 2015–2030
- Essays
Amartya Sen, The Contemporary Relevance of Buddha
George R. Lucas, Jr., NSA Management Directive #424: Secrecy and Privacy in the Aftermath of Edward Snowden
- Roundtable: The International Rule of Law
Ian Hurd, The International Rule of Law: Law and the Limit of Politics
David Dyzenhaus, Hobbes on the International Rule of Law
Christian Reus-Smit, International Law and the Mediation of Culture
Rosa Brooks, Drones and the International Rule of Law
Ruti Teitel, Kosovo to Kadi: Legality and Legitimacy in the Contemporary International Order
- Feature
Toni Erskine, Coalitions of the Willing and Responsibilities to Protect: Informal Associations, Enhanced Capacities, and Shared Moral Burdens