The latest issue of the
Journal of African and International Law (Vol. 5, no. 3, 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Hamudi I. Majamba,
Legislative Frameworks for Implementing REDD: The Case of Forest Governance and Management in Tanzania
Michael Kabai,
International Legal Instruments and Measures Providing Protection against Illegal Unregulated and Unreported Fishing (IUU): South African Milieu
Yitiha Simbeye,
The Jus cogens Nature of Head of State Immunity Ratione Personae: The Case of President Al Bashir of Sudan
Funminiyi A.R. Adeleke,
Locating the Determinants of Unsafe Abortion beyond the Legal Framework of Abortion Laws: A Case Study of Nigerian and Ghanaian Abortion Laws
Gbadebo A. Olagunju & Rufus O. Olaoluwa,
The WTO And Developing Countries In The Rounds Of Trade Negotiations: Whither Are We?
Magdalena Malaba,
Legal Aspects of the Local Capital Market Expansion through Foreign Participation: Focus On Tanzania
Adejoke O. Oyewunmi,
The Workplace and the Criminalisation of Sexual Harassment under Nigerian Law: Lessons from a Comparative Study
Mutabaazi J. Lugaziya,
Addressing Prison Conditions in Southern Africa from a Human Rights Perspective: The Case of Tanzania