The latest issue of the
International Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 17, nos. 5-6, 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Kurt Mills, Constructing humanitarian space in Darfur
Steven C. Roach,
Legitimising negotiated justice: the International Criminal Court and flexible governance
Hannah Matthews,
The interaction between international human rights law and international humanitarian law: seeking the most effective protection for civilians in non-international armed conflicts
Branislava Bošnjak & Thomas Acton,
Virginity and early marriage customs in relation to children's rights among Chergashe Roma from Serbia and Bosnia
Vladislava Stoyanova,
The crisis of a legal framework: protection of victims of human trafficking in Bulgarian legislation
David James Cantor & Stefania Eugenia Barichello,
The Inter-American human rights system: a new model for integrating refugee and complementary protection?