The latest issue of the
Journal of World Investment & Trade (Vol. 14, no. 2, 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Kálmán Kalotay, Inward FDI in the Western Balkans in the wake of Croatia’s EU accession
- Xiuli Han, Zhiyi Liu, & Lingzi Liu,
Revisiting the Case of China-Measures Involving the Exportation of Various Raw Materials from the perspective of Effectiveness of the Necessity Defence
- Michail Dekastros,
Portfolio Investment: Reconceptualising the Notion of Investment under the ICSID Convention
- An Chen & E-Nuo Gu,
Should “the Perspective of South-North Contradictions” Be “Abandoned”? – Focusing on “2012 Sino-Canada BIT”
- Jacopo Tavassi,
The regime of international investments within the EC-Chile Association Agreement: towards a possible renegotiation?
- Akansha Dubey & Puloma Mukherjee,
Double Remedies: A Feasible Option?
- Jacques Werner,
Arbitral Chronicle VIII A Swiss Arbitrator’s View of the CIETAC Arbitration System