The latest issue of
Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Institutions (Vol. 19, no. 2, April-June 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Global Insights
- Cedric de Coning, John Karlsrud, & Ingrid Marie Breidlid, Turning to the South: Civilian Capacity in the Aftermath of Conflict
- Articles
- Justin Gest, Carolyn Armstrong, Elizabeth Carolan, Elliott Fox, Vanessa Holzer, Tim McLellan, Audrey Cherryl Mogan, & Meher Talib, Tracking the Process of International Norm Emergence: A Comparatiave Analysis of Six Agendas and Emerging Migrants’ Rights
- Heidi Nichols Haddad, After the Norm Cascade: NGO Mission Expansion and the Coalition for the International Criminal Court
- Michael Schroeder, The Politics of Change: The Evolution of UN Electoral Services, 1989-2006
- Erin McCandless, Wicked Problems in Peacebuilding and Statebuilding: Making Progress in Measuring Progress Through the New Deal
- Devin Joshi & Roni Kay O’Dell, Global Governance and Development Ideology: The United Nations and the World Bank on the Left-Right Spectrum
- Special Focus
- Tom Farer, Governing the Great Transnational River Systems: An Introductory Word
- Aysegul Kibaroglu & Waltina Scheumann, Evolution of Transboundary Politics in the Euphrates-Tigris River System: New Perspectives and Political Challenges
- Farhad Mukhtarov & Andrea K. Gerlak, River Basin Organizations in the Global Water Discourse: An Exploration of Agency and Strategy
- Book Review
- Catia C. Confortini, Violence Against Women, Masculinities, and the Global Economy