The latest issue of
Arbitration International (Vol. 29, no. 2, 2013) is out. Contents include:
- W. Michael Reisman, 'Case Specific Mandates' versus 'Systemic Implications': How Should Investment Tribunals Decide? – The Freshfields Arbitration Lecture
- Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler, Commercial Arbitration Before International Courts and Tribunals – Reviewing Abusive Conduct of Domestic Courts
- William W. Park, Convention Violations and Investment Claims
- Stephen Fietta & James Upcher, Public International Law, Investment Treaties and Commercial Arbitration – An Emerging System of Complementarity?
- Luca G. Radicati Di Brozolo, EU Merger Control Commitments and Arbitration – Reti Televisive Italiane v. Sky Italia
- Mara Valenti, The Scope of an Investment Treaty Dispute Resolution Clause – It is Not Just a Question of Interpretation
- Peter J. Pettibone, The Nonarbitrability of Corporate Disputes in Russia
- The White Industries Australia Limited – India BIT Award –A Critical Assessment', Sumeet Kachwaha
- Anthony Connerty, International Cotton Arbitration