The latest issue of the
Amsterdam Law Forum (Vol. 5, no. 1, Winter 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Scientific Articles
- Frank Huisingh,
A Responsibility to Prevent? A Norm's Political and Legal Effects
- Therese O'Donnell & Craig Allan,
An Offer You Cannot Refuse? Natural Disasters, the Politics of Aid Refusal and Potential Legal Implications
- Vladislava Stoyanova,
The Crisis of a Definition: Human Trafficking in Bulgarian Law
- Opinion Articles
- Dino Kritsiotis, The Arab Spring, Massive Violations of Human Rights and the Use of Force
- Ester Herlin-Karnell,
Denmark and the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: a Scandinavian Arrangement
- Alphonse Muleefu,
Beyond the Single Story: Rwanda's Support to the March 23 Movement (M23)
- Kenneth Manusama,
'Lawfare' in the Conflict between Israel and Palestine?
- Hilla Dayan,
Israel Against Democracy, Part 2: Post-Elections Analysis