This study considers intellectual property rules contained in the WTO TRIPS Agreement as they might affect climate change regulatory efforts. The TRIPS Agreement rules that are most directly applicable in this context are patents; confidential information, and enforcement of IP rights before national courts. With respect to patents, the Agreement provides rules on subject matter eligibility and compulsory licensing that may affect which climate-related technologies get patented and how they are applied. The rules concerning confidential information are less precise. The Study then considers how a WTO dispute-settlement panel might apply WTO rules (especially TRIPS) to climate change initiatives that a WTO Member might take.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Gervais: Climate Change, the International Intellectual Property Régime, and Disputes Under the TRIPS Agreement
Daniel J. Gervais (Vanderbilt Univ. - Law) has posted Climate Change, the International Intellectual Property Régime, and Disputes Under the TRIPS Agreement. Here's the abstract: