Christian J. Tams (Univ. of Glasgow - Law) &
Malgosia Fitzmaurice (Queen Mary, Univ. of London - Law) have published
Legacies of the Permanent Court of International Justice (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2013). Contents include:
- Malgosia Fitzmaurice & Christian J. Tams, Introduction
- Christian J. Tams,
The Contentious Jurisdiction of the Permanent Court
Marika Giles Samson & Douglas Guilfoyle,
The Permanent Court of International Justice and the ‘Invention’ of International Advisory Jurisdiction
- Panos Merkouris, The Advisory Jurisdiction of the Permanent Court of Justice in Practice: A Tale of Two Scopes
- Stephan Wittich, The PCIJ and the Modern International Law of Treaties
Catherine Brölmann, The PCIJ and International Rights of Groups and Individuals
Ursula Kriebaum,
The PCIJ and the Protection of Foreign Investments
Joanna Gomula, The Heritage of the Permanent Court of International Justice in WTO Jurisprudence
Iain Scobbie,
The Permanent Court of International Justice, Arbitration, and Claims Commissions of the Inter-War Period
Jean d’Aspremont,
The Permanent Court of International Justice and Domestic Courts: A Variation in Roles
Anneliese Quast Mertsch,
The Relationship Between the Permanent Court of Arbitration and the Permanent Court of International Justice, and Its
Signicance for International Law
Akbar Rasulov,
The Doctrine of Sources in the Discourse of the Permanent
Court of International Justice
Photini Pazartzis, Judicial Activism and Judicial Self-Restraint: The PCIJ’s
Lotus Case
Antonios Tzanakopoulos,
The Permanent Court of International Justice and the ‘International Community’
Roman Kwiecień,
The Permanent Court of International Justice and the Constitutional Dimension of International Law: From Expectations to Reality
Ole Spiermann, The Legacy of the Permanent Court of International of International Justice – On Judges, Scholars, and Also on Bishops and Clowns