The latest issue of the
International Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 17, no. 3, 2013) is out. Contents include:
- David L. Richards & Benjamin C. Carbonetti, Worth what we decide: a defense of the right to leisure
- Nuray Ibryamova,
European Union political conditionality and minority rights: compliance in Bulgaria and Romania
- Luke Moffett,
Reparative complementarity: ensuring an effective remedy for victims in the reparation regime of the International Criminal Court
- Christopher P. Banks & Joel R. Carbonell,
International human education rights commitments in US courts
- Sonja Grover,
Child soldiers as victims of ‘genocidal forcible transfer’: Darfur and Syria as case examples
- Iffath U.B. Syed,
Forced Assimilation is an unhealthy policy intervention: the case of the hijab ban in France and Quebec, Canada