The latest issue of the
Journal of International Criminal Justice (Vol. 11, no. 1, March 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Articles
Yuval Shany,
Seeking Domestic Help: The Role of Domestic Criminal Law in Legitimizing the Work of International Criminal Tribunals
Symposium: Drone Wars
Jens David Ohlin,
Is Jus in Bello in Crisis?
Larry May,
Targeted Killings and Proportionality in Law: Two Models
Noam Lubell & Nathan Derejko,
A Global Battlefield?: Drones and the Geographical Scope of Armed Conflict
Kevin Jon Heller,
‘One Hell of a Killing Machine’: Signature Strikes and International Law
- Symposium: The Judgment of the International Court of Justice on Jurisdictional
Immunities of the State: ‘Chronicle of a Death Foretold’ for Human
Rights Reparations?
Micaela Frulli,
Lorna McGregor,
State Immunity and Human Rights: Is There a Future after Germany v. Italy?
Andrew Dickinson,
Germany v. Italy and the Territorial Tort Exception: Walking the Tightrope
Chimène I. Keitner,
Germany v. Italy and the Limits of Horizontal Enforcement: Some Reflections from a United States Perspective
Giuseppe Nesi,
The Quest for a ‘Full’ Execution of the ICJ Judgment in Germany v. Italy
Cases before International Courts and Tribunals
Dire Tladi,
The ICC Decisions on Chad and Malawi: On Cooperation, Immunities, and Article 98
National Prosecution of International Crimes: Legislation and Cases
Devika Hovell,
The Gulf between Tortious and Torturous: UK Responsibility for Mistreatment of the Mau Mau in Colonial Kenya
Patrick Hayden & Katerina I. Kappos,
Current Developments at the Ad Hoc International Criminal Tribunals