The latest issue of the
Review of European Community & International Environmental Law (Vol. 21, no. 3, November 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Articles on Climate Action Beyond the UNFCCC
- Remi Moncel & Harro van Asselt, All Hands on Deck! Mobilizing Climate Change Action beyond the UNFCCC
- Lutz Weischer, Jennifer Morgan & Milap Patel,
Climate Clubs: Can Small Groups of Countries make a Big Difference in Addressing Climate Change?
- Kati Kulovesi,
Addressing Sectoral Emissions outside the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: What Roles for Multilateralism, Minilateralism and Unilateralism?
- Edward Cameron & Marc Limon,
Restoring the Climate by Realizing Rights: The Role of the International Human Rights System
- Shirley V. Scott,
The Securitization of Climate Change in World Politics: How Close have We Come and would Full Securitization Enhance the Efficacy of Global Climate Change Policy?
- Durwood Zaelke, Stephen O. Andersen & Nathan Borgford-Parnell,
Strengthening Ambition for Climate Mitigation: The Role of the Montreal Protocol in Reducing Short-lived Climate Pollutants
- General Articles
- Rakhyun E. Kim, Is a New Multilateral Environmental Agreement on Ocean Acidification Necessary?
- Monika Ambrus,
The Precautionary Principle and a Fair Allocation of the Burden of Proof in International Environmental Law
- Thomas Deleuil,
The Common but Differentiated Responsibilities Principle: Changes in Continuity after the Durban Conference of the Parties
- Andreas Kotsakis,
The Regulation of the Technical, Environmental and Health Aspects of Current Exploratory Shale Gas Extraction in the United Kingdom: Initial Lessons for the Future of European Union Energy Policy