The latest issue of the
International Human Rights Law Review (Vol. 1, no. 2, 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Marco Parriciatu & Francesco Sindico, Contours of an Indigenous Peoples’ Right to Water in Latin America under International Law
- Khanyisela Moyo, Feminism, Postcolonial Legal Theory and Transitional Justice: A Critique of Current Trends
- Daniel Aguirre & Irene Pietropaoli,
Human Rights Protection the ASEAN Way: Non-Intervention and the Newest Regional Human Rights System
- Amos O. Enabulele & Anthony Osaro Ewere,
Can the Economic Community of West African States Community Court of Justice Enforce the African Charter Replicas of the Non-Justiciable Chapter II Human Rights Provisions of the Nigerian Constitution against Nigeria?