The latest issue of the
Journal of Conflict Resolution (Vol. 56, no. 5, October 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Kyle Haynes,
Lame Ducks and Coercive Diplomacy: Do Executive Term Limits Reduce the Effectiveness of Democratic Threats?
Muhammet A. Bas,
Democratic Inefficiency? Regime Type and Suboptimal Choices in International Politics
Gretchen Schrock-Jacobson,
The Violent Consequences of the Nation: Nationalism and the Initiation of Interstate War
Mark S. Manger, Mark A. Pickup, & Tom A. B. Snijders,
A Hierarchy of Preferences: A Longitudinal Network Analysis Approach to PTA Formation
Seden Akcinaroglu,
Rebel Interdependencies and Civil War Outcomes
Michael K. McKoy & Michael K. Miller,
The Patron’s Dilemma: The Dynamics of Foreign-Supported Democratization
Abraham Sagi-Schwartz,
Children of War and Peace: A Human Development Perspective