The Polish Yearbook of International Law (PYIL) is a scientific journal published since 1966 by the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. The focus of the Yearbook is on public and private international law as well as European law. Each volume of PYIL also includes a legal bibliography of Polish authors who have published in the above areas in the particular year.
PYIL is currently seeking articles for its next volume (XXXII), which will be published in June 2013. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers in areas connected with public and private international law, including European law. Although it is not a formal condition for acceptance, we are particularly interested in articles that address current issues in international and European law that relate to Central and Eastern Europe. Authors from the region are also strongly encouraged to submit their works.
Submissions should not exceed 15,000 words (including footnotes) but in exceptional cases we may also accept longer works. We assess manuscripts on a rolling basis and will consider requests for expedited review in case of a pending acceptance for publication from another journal. Authors must include an abstract not exceeding 250 words. More detailed information, including the PYIL style sheet is available on: http://inp.pan.pl/pyil.
Please send manuscripts to pyil@inp.pan.pl. The deadline for submissions is 31 January 2013.