The latest issue of the
Melbourne Journal of International Law (Vol. 13, no. 1, June 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Focus: IHL and ICL: The Future, The Present and The Past
- The Future
Darryl Robinson,
How Command Responsibility Got So Complicated: A Culpability Contradiction, Its Obfuscation, and a Simple Solution?
- Spencer Zifcak,
The Responsibility to Protect after Libya and Syria
- Rob McLaughlin,
Legal-Policy Considerations and Conflict Characterisation at the Threshold between Law Enforcement and Non-International Armed Conflict
- Danielle Ireland-Piper,
Extraterritorial Criminal Jurisdiction: Does the Long Arm of the Law Undermine the Rule of Law?
The Present
Zeray Yihdego,
The Gaza Mission: Implications for International Humanitarian Law and UN Fact-Finding
- Thomas Obel Hansen,
A Critical Review of the ICC’s Recent Practice Concerning Admissibility Challenges and Complementarity
- Anna Hood & Monique Cormier,
Prosecuting International Crimes in Australia: The Case of the Sri Lankan President
- Cedric Ryngaert,
Extraterritorial Use of Force against Non-State Actors by Noam Lubell
- Sarah Williams,
The International Criminal Court and National Courts: A Contentious Relationship by Nidal Nabil Jurdi
The Past
Suzannah Linton,
Rediscovering the War Crimes Trials in Hong Kong, 1946–48
- Sara Kendall,
The Nuremberg Military Tribunals and the Origins of International Criminal Law by Kevin Jon Heller and Beyond Victor’s Justice? The Tokyo War Crimes Trial Revisited edited by Yuki Tanaka, Tim McCormack and Gerry Simpson
- Mia Swart,
The Legacy of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia edited by Bert Swart, Alexander Zahar and Göran Sluiter
- Articles
- Kate Darling,
A Weight for Water: An Ecological Feminist Critique of Emerging Norms and Trends in Global Water Governance
- Michelle Foster,
The Implications of the Failed ‘Malaysia Solution’: The Australian High Court and Refugee Responsibility Sharing at International Law
- Nikolas Kyriakou,
The International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance and Its Contributions to International Human Rights Law, with Specific Reference to Extraordinary Rendition
- Charles Raziki Majinge,
Emergence of New States in Africa and Territorial Dispute Resolution: The Role of the International Court of Justice
- Brooke Adele Marshall,
Reconsidering the Proper Law of the Contract
- Matthew Saul,
The Search for an International Legal Concept of Democracy: Lessons from the Post-Conflict Reconstruction of Sierra Leone
- Commentary
- Rhona K M Smith,
The Pacific Island States: Themes Emerging from the United Nations Human Rights Council’s Inaugural Universal Periodic Review