The latest issue of
Global Policy (Vol. 3, no. 3, September 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Research Articles
- Jakob Vestergaard & Robert H. Wade, Establishing a new Global Economic Council: governance reform at the G20, the IMF and the World Bank
- Faizel Ismail,
Reflections on a new Democratic South Africa’s role in the Multilateral Trading System
- Sam Pryke, Economic Nationalism: Theory, History and Prospects
- Garrett Wallace Brown, Distributing Who Gets What and Why: Four Normative Approaches to Global Health
- Matthew Bolton, Eiko Elize Sakamoto & Hugh Griffiths, Globalization and the Kalashnikov: Public–Private Networks in the Trafficking and Control of Small Arms
- Furio Cerutti, Two Global Challenges to Global Governance
- Special Section - Global Health Governance and the Rise of Asia
- Yeling Tan, Kelley Lee & Tikki Pang, Global Health Governance and the Rise of Asia
- Ann Florini, Karthik Nachiappan, Tikki Pang & Christine Pilcavage, Global Health Governance: Analysing China, India and Japan as Global Health Aid Donors
- Kelley Lee, Adam Kamradt-Scott, Sungwon Yoon & Jingying Xu, Asian Contributions to Three Instruments of Global Health Governance
- Survey Articles
- Kevin P. Gallagher, Financial Crises and International Investment Agreements: The Case of Sovereign Debt Restructuring
- Indira Rajaraman, The Fiscal Impact of Trade Tariff Cuts: Long-Series Historical Evidence
- Parag Khanna, How Multi-stakeholder is Global Policy?
- Practitioner Commentary
- Frank Vibert, Reforming International Rule Making
- Review Essay
- Monika Thakur, Fragile States: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Reality?