The latest issue of the
Journal of East Asia and International Law (Vol. 5, no. 1, Spring 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Issue Focus: International Legal Cooperation against Somali Piracy
- Manjiao Chi, Finding out the 'Achilles' Heels': Piracy Suppression under International Law and Chinese Law
Eric Yong Joong Lee, Military Rescue Operation for the Hostages Taken by Somali Pirates: Was the Korean Navy's "Daybreak in the Gulf of Aden" Legitimate?
Akiko Sugiki, Piracy in a Failed State: How State-Building Can Stabilize the Situation off the Somali Coast?
- Articles
- Zhengxin Huo, Reshaping Private International Law in China: The Statutory Reform of Tort Conflicts
Jaemin Lee, A Clash between IT Giants and the Changing Face of International Law: The Samsung vs. Apple Litigation and Its Jurisdictional Implications
- Notes & Comments
- Shun-liang Hsu, Border Enforcement of Plant Variety Rights: A Comparison between Japan and Taiwan
- Regional Focus & Controversies: Maritime and Territorial Dispute in the South China Sea
- Vietnam: Hong Thao Nguyen
China: Junwu Pan