Andrea K. Bjorklund (Univ. of California, Davis - Law) &
August Reinisch (Univ. of Vienna - Law) have published
International Investment Law and Soft Law (Edward Elgar Publishing 2012). Contents include:
- Andrea K. Bjorklund & August Reinisch, Introduction: The ILA Study Group on the Role of Soft Law Instruments in International Investment Law
- Moshe Hirsch, Sources of International Investment Law
- Melaku Geboye Desta, Soft Law in International Law: An Overview
- Andrea K. Bjorklund, Assessing the Effectiveness of Soft Law Instruments in International Investment Law
- Kate Miles, Soft Law Instruments in Environmental Law: Models for International Investment Law?
- Giuditta Cordero-Moss, Soft Law Codifications in the Area of Commercial Law
- Melaku Geboye Desta, GATT/WTO Law and International Standards: An Example of Soft Law Instruments Hardening Up?
- Christian Tietje & Emily Sipiorski, The Evolution of Investment Protection Based on Public International Law Treaties: Lessons to be Learned
- Andreas R. Ziegler, Is the MFN Principle in International Investment Law Ripe for Multilateralization or Codification?
- August Reinisch, Is Expropriation Ripe for Codification? The Example of the Non-Discrimination Requirement for Lawful Expropriations
- August Reinisch & Andrea K. Bjorklund, Soft Codification of International Investment Law