The latest issue of the
International Criminal Law Review (Vol. 12, no. 4, 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Olga Martin-Ortega, Prosecuting War Crimes at Home: Lessons from the War Crimes Chamber in the State Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Brighton Claire,
Avoiding Unwillingness: Addressing the Political Pitfalls Inherent in the Complementarity Regime of the International Criminal Court
- Ezequiel Malarino,
Judicial Activism, Punitivism and Supranationalisation: Illiberal and Antidemocratic Tendencies of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
- Geert-Jan Alexander Knoops,
Legal, Political and Ethical Dimensions of Drone Warfare under International Law: A Preliminary Survey
- Christophe Deprez,
Extent of Applicability of Human Rights Standards to Proceedings before the International Criminal Court: On Possible Reductive Factors
- Joris van Wijk,
Amnesty for War Crimes in Angola: Principled for a Day?