The latest volume of the
Australian International Law Journal (Vol. 18, 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Andrew Byrnes, The Asian Development Bank and the Role of Human Rights in the Pursuit of Just and Sustainable Development in the Asia Pacific Region: An Advocacy Role for Australia?
- Ben Saul, Jacqueline Mowbray & Irene Baghoomians, The Last Frontier of Human Rights Protection: Interrogating Resistance to Regional Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific
- Jane McAdam, From Humanitarian Discretion to Complementary Protection — Reflections on the Emergence of Human Rights-based Refugee Protection in Australia
- Robin Perry, Juridifying Politics and Politicising the Juridical: The Nature, Status and Future of Amnesties under International Criminal Law
- Bridie McAsey, Victim Participation at the International Criminal Court and its Impact on Procedural Fairness
- Micah Burch & Luke Nottage, Novel Treaty-Based Approaches to Resolving International Investment and Tax Disputes in the Asia-Pacific Region
- Brett G Williams, Innovative Mechanisms for Avoiding or Resolving Inter-State Trade Disputes in an Asia-Pacific Regional Free Trade Agreement
- Luke Villiers, Breaking in the ‘unruly horse’: The Status of Mandatory Rules of Law as a Public Policy Basis for the Non-enforcement of Arbitral Awards