The latest issue of the
Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy (Vol. 15, no. 2, April-June 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Large Mammal Conservation: Toward Adaptive Management and Assessment
- Margaret Mantor, Introduction: Toward Adaptive Management and Assessment in Large Mammal Conservation
- Deborah A. Giles & Kari L. Koski,
Managing Vessel-Based Killer Whale Watching: A Critical Assessment of the Evolution From Voluntary Guidelines to Regulations in the Salish Sea
- Noa Pinter-Wollman,
Human–Elephant Conflict in Africa: The Legal and Political Viability of Translocations, Wildlife Corridors, and Transfrontier Parks for Large Mammal Conservation
- Vivek Thuppil & Richard G. Coss,
Using Threatening Sounds as a Conservation Tool: Evolutionary Bases for Managing Human–Elephant Conflict in India