The latest issue of
Criminal Law Forum (Vol. 22, no. 4, December 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Symposium in Honour of Professor Otto Triffterer’s 80th Birthday
- Kai Ambos, Preface to the Special Symposium in Honour of Professor Otto Triffterer’s 80th Birthday
- Kurt Schmoller & Astrid Reisinger Coracini, In Pursuit of International Criminal Justice: Honouring Otto Triffterer’s 80th Birthday
- Anita Ušacka, Promises Fulfilled? Some Reflections on the International Criminal Court in Its First Decade
- William A. Schabas, The International Criminal Court at Ten
- Daniel David Ntanda Nsereko, The Kampala Review Conference: The Capstone of the Rome System
- Roger S. Clark, Some Aspects of the Concept of International Criminal Law: Suppression Conventions, Jurisdiction, Submarine Cables and the Lotus
- Otto Triffterer, Closing Remarks and a Vision: International Criminal Justice and the “Well-Being of the World”
- Jernej Letnar Černič, Shaping the Spiderweb: Towards the Concept of Joint Commission Through Another Person Under the Rome Statute and Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Court
- Theodore A. De Roos & Johannes F. Nijboer, Wrongfully Convicted: How the Dutch Deal with the Revision of Their “Miscarriages of Justice”
- Vladimir Tochilovsky, Special Commentary: International Criminal Justice – Some Flaws and Misperceptions