Film Amicorum Thomas Cottier (Stämpfli 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Benoît Merkt, Thomas Cottier, père de la loi sur la marché intérieur suisse
- Erik Evtimov, Internationales Eisenbahnrecht mit einer Vaterfigur
- Regula Dettling Ott, «Vom Winde verweht»: International aviation law
- Marion Panizzon, Good faith in the law of the World Trade Organization
- Panagiotis Delimatsis, Good faith and the proliferation of international courts
- Luzius Wasescha, WTO Green Room: A historical and hysterical place
- John Gero, Thomas Cottier and the TRIPS negotiations: A Canadian view
- Bruce Wilson, Thomas Cottier and the TRIPS negotiations: A United States view
- Franz Blankart, «We cannot use him because he is too intelligent...»
- Mireille Cossy, Some improvements of the GATT dispute settlement mechanism
- Thomas Cottier, It is all about trust
- Luzius Wasescha, A tribute and testimony of friendship to Thomas Cottier
- Serge Pannatier, L‘interaction entre le commerce et l‘environnement
- Arthur Appleton, Thomas Cottier and the World Trade Institute
- Christophe Germann, L‘apport positif du droit de l‘OMC à la diversité culturelle
- Luzius Wasescha, GATS and cultural diversity: «Je ne suis qu‘un petit marchand de tapis...»