The latest issue of the
Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy (Vol. 14, nos. 3-4, July-December 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: The Fortieth Anniversary of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
- Anada Tiéga, Ramsar Convention on Wetlands: 40 Years of Biodiversity Conservation and Wise Use
- C. Max Finlayson, Nick Davidson, Dave Pritchard, G. Randy Milton & Heather MacKay, The Ramsar Convention and Ecosystem-Based Approaches to the Wise Use and Sustainable Development of Wetlands
- Nick Davidson & David Coates, The Ramsar Convention and Synergies for Operationalizing the Convention on Biological Diversity's Ecosystem Approach for Wetland Conservation and Wise Use
- Ruth Cromie, Nick Davidson, Colin Galbraith, Ward Hagemeijer, Pierre Horwitz, Rebecca Lee, Taej Mundkur & David A. Stroud, Responding to Emerging Challenges: Multilateral Environmental Agreements and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1
- Ornella Ferrajolo, State Obligations and Non-Compliance in the Ramsar System
- Marcela Bonells & Monica Zavagli, National Ramsar/Wetlands Committees Across the Six Ramsar Regions: Diversity and Benefits
- Matthew McCartney, Lisa-Maria Rebelo, Everisto Mapedza, Sanjiv de Silva & C. Max Finlayson, The Lukanga Swamps: Use, Conflicts, and Management