The latest issue of the
International Arbitration Law Review (Vol. 14, no. 5, 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Thierry Berger & Mark Robertson, The new ICC Rules of Arbitration: a brief overview of the main changes
- Hong-Lin Yu, How far can party autonomy be stretched in setting the grounds for the refusal of arbitral awards?
- Charles Kotuby Jr, ‘Other international obligations’ as the applicable law in investment arbitration
- Sanja Djajic, Contractual claims in treaty-based arbitration – with or without umbrella and forum selection clauses
- Judy Zhu, China’s CIETAC Arbitration – New Rules under review
- Richard Smith, Angeline Welsh & Manish Aggarwal, Jivraj v Hashwani – the UK Supreme Court overturns a controversial Court of Appeal ruling on arbitration
- Luis Fernando Bermejo, Mandatory ICC provision in Guatemala’s Arbitration Law is declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court of Guatemala