Enzo Cannizzaro (Univ. of Rome ‘La Sapienza’),
Paolo Palchetti (Univ. of Macerata), &
Ramses A. Wessel (Univ. of Twente) have published
International Law as Law of the European Union (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2011). Contents include:
- Enzo Cannizzaro, Paolo Palchetti, & Ramses A. Wessel, Introduction: International Law as Law of the EU
- Ramses A. Wessel, Reconsidering the Relationship between International and EU Law: Towards a Content-Based Approach?
- Enzo Cannizzaro, The Neo-Monism of the European Legal Order
- Jan Willem van Rossem, The EU at Crossroads: A Constitutional Inquiry into the way International Law is received within the EU Legal Order
Alessandra Gianelli, Customary International Law in the European Union
- Jan Klabbers, The Validity of EU Norms Conflicting with International Obligations
- Bruno de Witte, Using International Law for the European Union’s Domestic Affairs
- Panos Koutrakos, International Agreements in the Area of the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy
- Frederik Naert, The Application of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law in CSDP Operations
- Andrea Gattini, Effects of Decisions of the UN Security Council in the EU Legal Order
- Beatrice Bonafé, Direct Effect of International Agreements in the EU Legal Order: Does it Depend on the Existence of an International Dispute Settlement Mechanism?
- Antonello Tancredi, On the Absence of Direct Effect of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body’s Decisions in the EU Legal Order
- Giacomo Gattinara, Consistent Interpretation of WTO Rulings in the EU Legal Order?
- Marise Cremona, Member States Agreements as Union Law
Eleftheria Neframi, Mixed Agreements as a Source of European Union Law
- Christina Eckes, International Law as Law of the EU: the Role of the ECJ
- Paolo Palchetti, Judicial Review of the International Validity of UN Security Council Resolutions by the European Court of Justice
- Frederico Casolari, Giving Indirect Effect to International Law within the EU Legal Order: The Doctrine of Consistent Interpretation