The latest issue of the
Journal of International Criminal Justice (Vol. 9, no. 5, November 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Debates
- Matthew Gillett & Matthias Schuster, Fast-track Justice: The Special Tribunal for Lebanon Defines Terrorism
- Manuel J. Ventura, Terrorism According to the STL's Interlocutory Decision on the Applicable Law: A Defining Moment or a Moment of Defining?
- Articles
- Harmen van der Wilt, Universal Jurisdiction under Attack: An Assessment of African Misgivings towards International Criminal Justice as Administered by Western States
- Chacha Bhoke Murungu, Towards a Criminal Chamber in the African Court of Justice and Human Rights
- Raphaël van Steenberghe, The Obligation to Extradite or Prosecute: Clarifying its Nature
- National Prosecution of International Crimes: Cases and Legislation
- Peter Wilkitzki, German Government Not Obliged to Seek Extradition of CIA Agents for ‘Extraordinary Rendition’: Comments on the El-Masri Judgment of the Cologne Administrative Court
- Micaela Frulli, ‘The Times they are A-Changing’ — the Italian Court of Cassation Denies Germany Immunity from Execution to Allow Compensation to War Crimes’ Victims
- André Nollkaemper, Dual Attribution: Liability of the Netherlands for Conduct of Dutchbat in Srebrenica
- Highlights
- Katharina Margetts & Katerina I. Kappos, Current Developments at the Ad Hoc International Criminal Tribunals