Hassane Cissé (Deputy General Counsel, World Bank),
Daniel D. Bradlow (Univ. of Pretoria - Law; American Univ. - Law), &
Benedict Kingsbury (New York Univ. - Law) have published
International Financial Institutions and Global Legal Governance (The World Bank Legal Review, Vol. 3, 2011). The widget of the book is publicly available
here. Contents include:
- Robert Zoellick, Foreword
- Anne-Marie Leroy, Preface
- Benedict Kingsbury, Global administrative law in the institutional practice of global regulatory governance
- Daniel Bradlow, Reform of the governance of IFIs: a critical assessment
- Hassane Cissé, Should the political prohibition in charters of international financial institutions be revisited? The case of the World Bank
- Rutsel Silvestre J. Martha, International financial institutions and claims of private parties: immunity obliges
- William Berenson, Squaring the concept of immunity with the fundamental right to a fair trial: the case of the OAS
- Evarist Baimu & Aristeideis Panou, Responsibility of international organizations and the World Bank Inspection Panel: parallel tracks unlikely to converge?
- Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Partnerships, emulation, and coordination: toward the emergence of a droit commun in the field of development finance
- Stephen Zimmermann & Frank Fariello, Coordinating the fight against fraud and corruption: agreement on cross-debarment among multilateral development banks
- Michael Trebilcock, Rule of law and development: in search of the Holy Grail
- Deval Desai, Deborah Isser, & Michael Woolcock, Rethinking justice reform in fragile and conflict-affected states: the capacity of development agencies and lessons from Liberia and Afghanistan
- Chiara Giorgetti, International norms and standards applicable to situations of state fragility and failure: an overview
- Annie Petsonk, Legal obligations and institutions of developing countries: rethinking approaches to forest governance
- Chris Brummer, Networks in (-)action? The transgovernmental origins of, and responses to, the financial crisis
- Alexandre Pinheiro dos Santos, Mitigating the impact of financial crises on the Brazilian capital market
- Charlotte Streck & Thiago Chagas, Developments in climate finance from Rio to Cancun
- Richard Stewart, Bryce Rudyk, & Kiri Mattes, Governing a fragmented climate finance regime