The latest volume of the
Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law (Vol. 15, 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Constance Grewe & Michael Riegner, Internationalized Constitutionalism in Ethnically Divided Societies: Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo Compared
- Alexander Orakhelashvili, The International Court's Advisory Opinion on the UDI in Respect of Kosovo: Washing Away the "Foam on the Tide of Time"
- Andreas S. Kolb, Tim René Salomon, & Julian Udich, Paying Danegeld to Pirates
- Cornelia Manger-Nestler, Impacts of International Law on the Restructuring of the Global Financial System
- Sigrid Mehring, Medical War Crimes
- Alena Douhan, Commonwealth of Independent States - Is There Any Chance to Establish an Effective System of Collective Security in the Region?
- Yoshifumi Tanaka, Protection of Community Interests in International Law: The Case of the Law of the Sea
- Hitoshi Nasu, The UN Security Council's Responsibility and the "Responsibility to Protect"
- Hans M. Haugen, Human Rights Principles - Can They be Applied to Improve the Realization of Social Human Rights?
- Adele J. Kirschner, The Human Right to Water and Sanitation
- Rishi Gulati, The Internal Dispute Resolution Regime of the United Nations