The latest issue of the
International Journal of Transitional Justice (Vol. 5, no. 3, November 2011) is out. This is a special issue on "Civil Society, Social Movements and Transitional Justice." Contents include:
- Aaron P. Boesenecker & Leslie Vinjamuri, Lost in Translation? Civil Society, Faith-Based Organizations and the Negotiation of International Norms
- Paul Katz, A New ‘Normal’: Political Complicity, Exclusionary Violence and the Delegation of Argentine Jewish Associations during the Argentine Dirty War
- Martien Schotsmans, ‘But We Also Support Monitoring’: INGO Monitoring and Donor Support to Gacaca Justice in Rwanda
- Pilar Riaño-Alcalá & Erin Baines, The Archive in the Witness: Documentation in Settings of Chronic Insecurity
- Lia Kent, Local Memory Practices in East Timor: Disrupting Transitional Justice Narratives
- Alison Crosby & M. Brinton Lykes, Mayan Women Survivors Speak: The Gendered Relations of Truth Telling in Postwar Guatemala
- Olivera Simić & Kathleen Daly, ‘One Pair of Shoes, One Life’: Steps towards Accountability for Genocide in Srebrenica
- Sari Kouvo & Dallas Mazoori, Reconciliation, Justice and Mobilization of War Victims in Afghanistan