Predrag Dojcinovic (International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia) has published
Propaganda, War Crimes Trials and International Law: From Speakers' Corner to War Crimes (Routledge 2011). Contents include:
- Nenad Fiser, The New Media, Modern Warfare, Mind-Engineering and New Propaganda Paradigms
- Predrag Dojcinovic, Towards a Cognitive Linguistic Approach to the Criminal Analysis of Open Source Evidence in War Crimes Investigations
- Dan Saxon, A Legal Analysis of Propaganda-Related Evidence and the Formulation of Charges Based on International Law, the ICTY and ICTR Statutes, Existing Jurisprudence and Other Relevant Documents
- Anthony Oberschall, A Methodology of Writing an Expert Report on Propaganda for a War Crimes Case and Personal Reflections on the Presentation of an Expert Report before the Trial Chamber, the Prosecution and the Defense
- Lawrence Douglas, A Comparative Legal Analysis of the Use of Film and Other Visual Documentary Material by the Prosecution at the ICTY, ICTR, the Nuremberg and Other Historical War Crimes Trials
- Michael G. Kearney, A Legal Analysis and Evaluation of the Presentation of Propaganda Cases and Related Jurisprudence Emerging from Past and Ongoing War Crimes Trials