- Gregory C. Shaffer, Introduction: International Economic Law in a Time of Change
- Beth A. Simmons & Andrew B. Breudenbach. The empirical turn in international economic law
- José E. Alvarez, The return of the state
- Ricardo Ramirez, Professor Hudec and the appellate body
- Hugh M. Hollman & William E. Kovacic. The international competition network: its past, current and future role
- Bernard Hoekman, Proposals for WTO reform: a synthesis and assessment
- Chiedu Osakwe, Developing countries and GATT/WTO rules: dynamic transformations in trade policy behavior and performance
- Jeffrey L. Dunoff, Hudec’s methods—and ours
- Caroline Bradley, Consultation and legitimacy in transnational standard-setting
- Uché U. Ewelukwa, South-South trade and investment: the good, the bad, and the ugly—African perspectives
- Aldo Caliari, Updating the international monetary system to respond to current global challenges: can it happen with the existing legal framework?
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Symposium: International Economic Law in a Time of Change: Reassessing Legal Theory, Doctrine, Methodology and Policy Prescriptions
The latest issue of the Minnesota Journal of International Law (Vol.20, no. 2, Summer 2011) contains a symposium on "International Economic Law in a Time of Change: Reassessing Legal Theory, Doctrine, Methodology and Policy Prescriptions." Contents include: