The latest issue of the
Journal of World Trade (Vol. 45, no. 5, October 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Vivek Joshi, Preferential Tariff Formation: The Case of the European Union
- Pierre Sauvé & Anirudh Shingal, Reflections on the Preferential Liberalization of Services Trade
- Jappe Eckhardt, Firm Lobbying and EU Trade Policymaking: Reflections on the Anti-Dumping Case against Chinese and Vietnamese Shoes (2005–2011)
- Aik Hoe Lim & Raymond Saner, Rethinking Trade in Education Services: A Wake-Up Call for Trade Negotiators
- Nilanjan Banik, China’s New-Found Love: The GMS
- Claus D. Zimmermann, Rethinking the Right to Initiate WTO Dispute Settlement Proceedings
- Christian Tietje, Bernhard Kluttig, & Martina Franke, Cost of Production Adjustments in Anti-dumping Proceedings: Challenging Raw Material Inputs Dual Pricing Systems in EU Anti-dumping Law and Practice