The latest issue of
Trade, Law and Development (Vol. 3, no. 1, 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL)
- B.S. Chimni, The World of TWAIL: Introduction to the Special Issue
- James Thuo Gathii, TWAIL: A Brief History of its Origins, its Decentralized Network, and a Tentative Bibliography
- Mohsen Al Attar & Rebekah Thompson, How the Multi- Level Democratisation of International Law-Making Can Effect Popular Aspirations Towards Self-Determination
- Luis Eslava & Sundhya Pahuja, Between Resistance and Reform: TWAIL and the Universality of International Law
- Gus Van Harten, TWAIL and the Dabhol Arbitration
- Sara L. Seck, Transnational Business and Environmental Harm: A TWAIL Analysis of Home State Obligations
- M. Sornarajah, Mutations of Neo-Liberalism in International Investment Law