Marco Odello (Aberystwyth Univ. - Law) &
Ryszard Piotrowicz (Aberystwyth Univ. - Law) have published
International Military Missions and International Law (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2011). Contents include:
- Nigel D. White, Towards Integrated Peace Operations: The Evolution of Peacekeeping and Coalitions of the Willing
- Marco Odello & Ryszard Piotrowicz, Legal Regimes Governing International Military Missions
- Katie E. Sams, IHL Obligations of the UN and other International Organisations Involved in International Missions
- Susan C. Breau, A Single Standard for Coalitions: Lowest Common Denominator or Highest Standard?
- Noëlle Quénivet, Human Rights Law and Peacekeeping Operations
- Ben Klappe, Rules of Engagement
- Ulf Häußler, Crisis Response Operations in Maritime Environments
- Paolina Massidda, Criminal Responsibility of International Military Missions and Personnel
- Nicholas Tsagourias, The Responsibility of International Organisations for Military Missions