The latest issue of the
Journal of World Trade (Vol. 45, no. 1, February 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Wenhua Ji & Cui Huang, China's Experience in Dealing with WTO Dispute Settlement: A Chinese Perspective
- Andrew Grainger, Trade Facilitation: A Conceptual Review
- Weifeng Zhou & Ludo Cuyvers, Linking International Trade and Labour Standards: The Effectiveness of Sanctions under the European Union's GSP
- Panagiotis Delimatsis, The Fragmentation of International Trade Law
- Alberto Alvarez-Jiménez, Drug Trafficking, Money Laundering and International Trade Restrictions after the WTO Panel Report in Colombia – Ports of Entry: How to Align WTO Law with International Law
- Jingxia Shi & Weidong Chen, The ‘Specificity’ of Cultural Products versus the ‘Generality’ of Trade Obligations: Reflecting on ‘China – Publications and Audiovisual Products’
- Benjamin Blase Caryl, Is China's Currency Regime A Countervailable Subsidy? A Legal Analysis Under the World Trade Organization's SCM Agreement
- Matthew Kennedy, Why Are WTO Panels Taking Longer? And What Can Be Done About It?