The latest issue of the
Journal of World Trade (Vol. 44, no. 1, February 2010) is out. Contents include:
- Veronika Hrbatá, No International Organization is an Island . . . the WTO’s Relationship with the WIPO: A Model for the Governance of Trade Linkage Areas?
- Mira Burri-Nenova, Trade and Culture in International Law: Paths to (Re)conciliation
- Robert Wolfe, Sprinting During a Marathon: Why the WTO Ministerial Failed in July 2008
- Julia Ya Qin, The Challenge of Interpreting ‘WTO-PLUS’ Provisions
- Jorge A. Huerta-Goldman, Mexico in the WTO and NAFTA in a Nutshell: Litigating International Trade Disputes
- Alessandro Nicita & Simonetta Zarrilli, Trade Policy and Gender – Unfolding the Links
- Jean-Jacques Hallaert, Economic Partnership Agreements: Tariff Cuts, Revenue Losses and Trade Diversion in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Céline Carrère & Jaime de Melo, The Doha Round and Market Access for LDCs: Scenarios for the EU and US Markets