The latest issue of the
African Journal of International and Comparative Law (Vol. 18, no. 1, March 2010) is out. Contents include:
- Amaka Megwalu & Neophytos Loizides, Dilemmas of Justice and Reconciliation: Rwandans and the Gacaca Courts
- Terry Carney, Securing Social Security for Migrant Workers: Orthodox Approaches or an Alternative (Regional/Political) Path for Southern Africa?
- Ireh Iyioha, Medical Negligence and the Nigerian National Health Insurance Scheme: Civil Liability, No-Fault or a Hybrid Model?
- Kofi Oteng Kufuor, Sub-State Protectionism in Ghana
- Richard Frimpong Oppong, The African Union, the African Economic Community and Africa's Regional Economic Communities: Untangling a Complex Web