- March 2: Ruth Lapidoth (Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem - Law), Yaffa Zilbershatz (Bar-Ilan Univ.), Moshe Hirsch (Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem - Law), Shira Myer (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), & Shiri Krebs, Updates on Developments in International Law
- March 9: Armin von Bogdandy (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law), Moshe Hirsch (Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem - Law), & Tomer Broude (Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem - Law), Constitutionalism in International Law
- April 13: Different Speakers, Updates and Developments in International Law
- April 27: Tomer Broude (Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem - Law), TBA
- May 2 (Part 1): Michael Stein (Harvard Univ. - Law) & Michael Waterstone (Loyola Law School), The UN disability Convention and its prospects for domestic implementation
- May 2 (Part 2): Anat Grady-Schwartz, Domestic Courts as International Actors: Mutual Empowerment with International Law
- May 31: Edith Brown Weiss (Georgetown Univ. - Law), The Evolution of International Environmental Law
- June 8: Ruti Teitel (New York Law School) & Robert Howse (New York Univ. - Law), Global Justice, Inequality and Human Security
- June 15: Galit Sarfaty (Univ. of Pennsylvania - Wharton School), Why Culture Matters in International Institutions: The Marginality of Human Rights at the World Bank
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Hebrew University of Jerusalem International Law Forum
Here's the schedule for the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty of Law International Law Forum for the second semester 2010: