The latest volume of the
Israel Yearbook on Human Rights (Vol. 39, 2009) is out. Contents include:
- International Workshop: "The War in Afghanistan: A Legal Analysis" - United States Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island , 25-27 June 2008
- Charles Garraway, Afghanistan and the Nature of Conflict
- Geoffrey Corn, Making the Case for Conflict Bifurcation in Afghanistan: Transnational Armed Conflict, Al Qaeda, and the Limits of the Associated Militia Concept
- John F. Murphy, Afghanistan, Hard Choices and the Future of International Law
- Michael N. Schmitt, Targeting and International Humanitarian Law in Afghanistan
- Gary D. Solis, Law of War Issues in Ground Hostilities in Afghanistan
- Matthew C. Waxman, United Nations Detention Operations in Afghanistan and the Law of Armed Conflict
- Marco Sassòli, The International Legal Framework for Stability Operations: When May International Forces Attack or Detain Someone in Afghanistan
- David Turns, Jus ad Pacem in Bello? Afghanistan, Stability Operations and International Law Relating to Armed Conflict
- Kenneth Watkin, Stability Operations: A Guiding Framework for “Small Wars” and Other Conflicts of the 21st Century?
- Eric Talbot Jensen & Amy M. Pomeroy, Afghanistan Legal Lessons Learned: Army Rule of Law Operations
- Sean D. Murphy, The International Legality of U.S. Military Cross-Border Operations from Afghanistan into Pakistan
- Yoram Dinstein, Concluding Remarks on Terrorism and Afghanistan
- Miscellaneous Issues
- Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg, The International Legal Framework of Submarine Operations
- Daphna Shraga, The Secretary-General’s Bulletin on the Observance by United Nations Forces of International Humanitarian Law: A Decade Later