The latest issue of the
Journal of World Trade (Vol. 43, no. 6, December 2009) is out. Contents include:
- Faizel Ismail, The Role of the Chair in the WTO Negotiations from the Potsdam Collapse in June 2007 to July 2008
- Darnita York Akers & Sencer Ecer, The TRIPS Agreement and Its Effects on the R&D Spending of US-Owned Multinational Companies in Developing Countries
- Laura Nielsen, Green Farm Subsidies Sponsoring Eco Labeling: Is the Separation of Market Access and Subsidies Regulation in WTO Law Sustainable?
- Humberto Zúñiga Schroder, Definition of the Concept ‘International Standard’ in the TBT Agreement
- Yoshiko Naiki, Accountability and Legitimacy in Global Health and Safety Governance: The World Trade Organization, the SPS Committee, and International Standard-Setting Organizations
- Louise Curran, EU Trade Defence Actions against China and Their Impacts: The Cases of Textiles and Footwear
- Stuart Smyth, Peter W.B. Phillips, & William A. Kerr, Global Governance Quandaries Regarding Transformative Technologies for Bioproducts, Crops, and Foods
- Valentin Zahrnt, For a New Classification System of Domestic Support in the WTO Agreement on Agriculture