Helen V. Milner (Princeton Univ. - Politics and International Affairs) &
Andrew Moravcsik (Princeton Univ. - Politics and International Affairs) have published
Power, Interdependence, and Nonstate Actors in World Politics (Princeton Univ. Press 2009). Contents include:
- Helen V. Milner, Power, Interdependence, and Nonstate Actors in World Politics: Research Frontiers
- Randall W. Stone, Institutions, Power, and Interdependence
- Michael J. Gilligan, The Transaction Costs Approach to International Institutions
- Ronald B. Mitchell, The Influence of International Institutions: Institutional Design, Compliance, Effectiveness, and Endogeneity
- V. Page Fortna & Lisa L. Martin, Peacekeepers as Signals: The Demand for International Peacekeeping in Civil Wars
- Beth A. Simmons, Women and International Institutions: The Effects of the Women's Convention on Female Education
- Layna Mosley, Private Governance for the Public Good? Exploring Private Sector Participation in Global Financial Regulation
- Elizabeth R. DeSombre, Power, Interdependence, and Domestic Politics in International Environmental Cooperation
- Vinod K. Aggarwal, The Dynamics of Trade Liberalization
- Jonathan D. Aronson, International Intellectual Property Rights in a Networked World
- Timothy J. McKeown, The Big Influence of Big Allies: Transgovernmental Relations as a Tool of Statecraft
- J. Ann Tickner, On Taking Religious Worldviews Seriously
- Andrew Moravcsik, Robert Keohane: Political Theorist