Deadline for the Submission of Abstracts: 22 January 2010
Call for Papers - Guidance Notes (pdf)
Provisional Conference Programme (pdf)
The 4th Biennial Conference of the European Society of International Law will take place in Cambridge, England on 2-4 September 2010, with the overarching theme International Law 1989-2010: A Performance Appraisal. The conference will be hosted by the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law and full details, including information on the programme, accommodation and travel will be available on this website.
The main conference programme will include two Plenary Sessions, eight Fora and twelve Agorae. Speakers have been invited for the plenary sessions and the Fora; Agora speakers will be selected on the basis of abstracts submitted in response to this call for papers.
A number of Interest Group Sessions will be held prior to the main conference. Some Interest Groups will issue their own calls for papers, details of which will be announced separately on this website.The working languages of the Conference are English and French.
The Agorae
The purpose of the Agorae is to share cutting-edge research in specific areas of international law, to stimulate debate and to foster contacts between the participants. Papers presented in individual Agorae may focus on any aspect of the particular branch of international law stipulated by the Agora title but a connection to both the Agora theme and the overall conference theme must be evident. Three or four papers will be selected per Agora. Papers may be presented in English or French.
The twelve Agorae are:
Agora 1: International Economic Law
Agora 2: International Environmental Law
Agora 3: International Criminal Law
Agora 4: International Law 1989-2010: A Historic Perspective
Agora 5: Investment Protection
Agora 8: International Law-making
Agora 9: Development and International Law
Agora 10: Regionalism and Universalism
Agora 11: Armed Conflict and International Humanitarian Law
Agora 12: International Law and Domestic Law
The conference and agora themes can be viewed here and are also outlined in the Guidance Notes pdf.
Selection Criteria
Senior and junior scholars (including PhD Candidates) are invited to respond to this call for papers. Scholars from any part of the world and of any nationality are eligible to apply. All papers presented in the Agorae will be selected through a competitive process from abstracts received in response to this call for papers. Only one abstract per author will be considered. Abstracts should be no more than 500 words in length and must be submitted using the online submission procedure (see below).
The following criteria will be used to aid the selection of papers:
quality of the research
originality of the work
links to the conference and agora theme
geographical representation of the speakers
Papers delivered at the conference must be unpublished, in an advanced stage of completion and ready to be included in the conference proceedings.
Agora speakers will have their conference registration fee waived if they are ESIL members. (Enquiries regarding ESIL membership should be made to ESIL directly - visit http://www.esil-sedi.eu/english/membership.html for more information).
A limited number of bursaries will be available for Agora speakers to cover the cost of accommodation in Cripp's Court, Selwyn College and to make a contribution towards travelling expenses. Priority will be given to graduate students of European universities who are unable to obtain support through other means and to scholars from Eastern and Central Europe for whom financial support is a sine qua non to participate.
Those wishing to apply for one of the bursaries must ensure they complete the relevant section of the online submission form, where a statement in support of the bursary of no more than 150 words will need to be made. In addition to this statement, PhD Candidates wishing to apply for a bursary must arrange for a letter of recommendation to be sent by their Supervisor to the Conference Administrator at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, University of Cambridge, 5 Cranmer Road, Cambridge, CB3 9BL, UK to arrive no later than the submission deadline.
Unfortunately, the conference organisers are not in a position to provide travel and accommodation support to all selected Agora speakers.
The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 22 January 2010;
Successful authors will be informed by 22 March 2010;
The deadline for the submission of Papers from accepted abstracts is 5 July 2010;
Papers are presented at the ESIL Conference, 2-4 September 2010;
The deadline for the submission of final papers to be included in the conference proceedings is 4 October 2010.
Submission of Abstracts
Abstracts MUST be submitted using the online submission form available on this website. Abstracts must be no more than 500 words in length and only one abstract per author will be permitted. Abstracts sent by email will not be considered. Abstracts received after the deadline will not be considered.
Authors wishing to respond to this call for papers should have the following information ready before starting the online submission process:
(1) contact and institution details, including full postal address and telephone number;
(2) email address;
(3) if applying for a bursary, the text of a supporting statement;
(4) the title and text of the abstract being submitted;
(5) a paragraph on the context in which the research is being conducted and how it fits with the conference themes;
(6) curriculum vitae and publications details.
Please note that the online submission form does not allow files to be uploaded. Information is collected by text input (typing or copy & paste) and menu selection only.
On submission of an abstract, authors should receive an email confirming receipt of their submission and a summary of the text of their application. Authors whose papers are selected for the conference will be notified no later than 22 March 2010.