The latest issue of the
International Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 13, nos. 2 & 3, 2009) is out. Contents include:
- Symposium: Protection of Sexual Minorities Since Stonewall: Progress and Stalemate in Developed and Developing Countries
- Desmond M. Tutu, Foreword
- Frank Barnaby, Preface
- Phil C. W. Chan, Protection of sexual minorities since Stonewall: their lives, struggles, sufferings, love, and hope
- Phil C. W. Chan, Psychosocial implications of homophobic bullying in schools: a review and directions for legal research and the legal process
- Matthew T. Mercier, Fighting to fit in: gay–straight alliances in schools under United States jurisprudence
- Eric Heinze, Cumulative jurisprudence and human rights: the example of sexual minorities and hate speech
- Kay Goodall, Challenging hate speech: incitement to hatred on grounds of sexual orientation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
- Philip N. S. Rumney, Gay male rape victims: law enforcement, social attitudes and barriers to recognition
- Alana Klein, Criminal law, public health, and governance of HIV exposure and transmission
- Phil C. W. Chan, Shared values of Singapore: sexual minority rights as Singaporean value
- Phil C. W. Chan, Keeping up with (which) Joneses: a critique of constitutional comparativism in Hong Kong and its implications for rights development
- Mark McLelland & Katsuhiko Suganuma, Sexual minorities and human rights in Japan: an historical perspective
- Oliver Phillips, Blackmail in Zimbabwe: troubling narratives of sexuality and human rights
- Sam Winter, Lost in transition: transpeople, transprejudice and pathology in Asia
- Jenni Millbank, From discretion to disbelief: recent trends in refugee determinations on the basis of sexual orientation in Australia and the United Kingdom
- Sean Rehaag, Bisexuals need not apply: a comparative appraisal of refugee law and policy in Canada, the United States, and Australia
- Nicole LaViolette, Independent human rights documentation and sexual minorities: an ongoing challenge for the Canadian refugee determination process
- Aisling O'Sullivan, Same-sex marriage and the Irish Constitution