The latest issue of the
Chinese Journal of International Law (Vol. 8, no. 2, July 2009) is out. Contents include:
- Ian Brownlie, The Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes
- Agora: Kosovo (Part 2)
- Alexander Orakhelashvili, The Kosovo UDI between Agreed Law and Subjective Perception: A Response to Hilpold
- Peter Hilpold, What Role for Academic Writers in Interpreting International Law? - A Rejoinder to Orakhelashvili
- Xue Hanqin & Jin Qian, International Treaties in the Chinese Domestic Legal System
- Zou Keyuan, New Developments in the International Law of Piracy
- Yvenson St-Fleur, Aerial Belligerency within a Humanitarian Rhetoric: Exploring the Theorizing of the Law of War/Terrorizing of Civilians' Rights Nexus
- Tare C. Brisibe, Customary International Law, Arms Control and the Environment in Outer Space
- Tse Ka Ho, The Relevancy of Nationality to the Right to Prisoner of War Status
- Yu Shuhong, Xiao Yongping, & Wang Baoshi, The Closest Connection Doctrine in the Conflict of Laws in China