Ian A. Laird (Crowell & Moring) &
Todd Weiler have published volume 2 of
Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law (Juris Publishing 2009). Contents include:
- Stephen S. Schwebel, Keynote Address: The Provenance and Performance of Investment Treaty Arbitration
- Addy Paola Velazquez, Arbitrators and Issue Conflict: Treading a Tightrope of Legitimacy? A Civil Law Perspective
- Martha L. Harrison, Issue Conflict in International Arbitration: Much Ado about Nothing?
- Addy Paola Velazquez, Martha L. Harrison, Alexandre de Gramont, Mark E. Feldman, C. Mark Baker, Jean Kalicki, & James Lloyd Loftis, Panel Discussion: Arbitrators and Issue Conflict: Treading a Tightrope of Legitimacy?
- J. Tejera Pérez, Do Municipal Investment Laws Always Constitute a Unilateral Offer to Arbitrate? The Venezuelan Investment Law: A Case StudyVictorino
- Victorino J. Tejera Pérez, Marco E. Schnabl, Michael D. Nolan, Margrete Stevens, Mark Kantor, & Perry S. Bechky, Panel Discussion: Do Municipal Investment Laws Always Constitute a Unilateral Offer to Arbitrate?
- Frédéric Gilles Sourgens, A Comparative Analysis of Systemic Change at ICSID
- Dmitri Evseev, Living With Indeterminacy: A Practical Approach To ICSID Annulment Reasoning
- Drédéric Gilles Sourgens, Dmitri Evseev, Christopher F. Dugan, Oscar M. Garibaldi, Stanimir Alexandrov, & Stephen Jagusch, Panel Discussion: Annulment and Judicial Review - How "Final" Is an Award?
- Isabel Fernández de la Cuesta González, Fair and Equitable Treatment: Evolution or Revolution?
- Christophe Douaire de Bondy, Fair and Equitable Treatment, Arbitral Jurisprudence and the Implications of State Treaty Practice
- Isabel Fernández de la Cuesta González, Christophe Douaire de Bonds, Susan D. Franck, Alejandro A. Escobar, Abby Cohen Smutny, Nigel Blackaby, & René Cadieux, Panel Discussion: Fair and Equitable Treatment: Evolution or Revolution?