The latest issue of the
Journal of International Criminal Justice (Vol. 6, no. 3, July 2008) is out. Contents include:
- Editorial Comment
- Heikelina Verrijn Stuart, The ICC in Trouble
- Articles
- Kevin Jon Heller, Mistake of Legal Element, the Common Law, and Article 32 of the Rome Statute: A Critical Analysis
- Melanie Klinkner, Proving Genocide?: Forensic Expertise and the ICTY
- Symposium: Lubanga Before the ICC
- Salvatore Zappalà, Foreword
- Thomas Weigend, Intent, Mistake of Law, and Co-perpetration in the Lubanga Decision on Confirmation of Charges
- Michela Miraglia, Admissibility of Evidence, Standard of Proof, and Nature of the Decision in the ICC Confirmation of Charges in Lubanga
- Symposium: Some Problems in the Fight Against Terrorism
- Armando Spataro, Why Do People Become Terrorists?: A Prosecutor's Experiences
- Lucia Aleni, Distinguishing Terrorism from Wars of National Liberation in the Light of International Law: A View from Italian Courts
- Michael Bothe, Security Council's Targeted Sanctions against Presumed Terrorists: The Need to Comply with Human Rights Standards
- Notes and Comments
- Harmen van der Wilt, Genocide v. War Crimes in the Van Anraat Appeal
- Highlights
- Helen Brady & Barbara Goy, Current Developments at the Ad Hoc International Criminal Tribunals