The latest issue of the
Harvard Human Rights Journal (Vol. 21, no. 2, Summer 2008) is out. Contents include:
- Symposium: Human Rights in the United States
- Diane Marie Amann, The Course of True Human Rights Progress Never Did Run Smooth
- Caroline Bettinger-Lopez, Jessica Gonzales v. United States: An Emerging Model for Domestic Violence & Human Rights Advocacy in the United States
- Stacey L. Sobel, The Mythology of a Human Rights Leader: How the United States has Failed Sexual Minorities at Home and Abroad
- Richard L. Herz, The Liberalizing Effects of Tort: How Corporate Complicity Liability Under the Alien Tort Statute Advances Constructive Engagement
- Grant Dawson & Rachel Boynton, Reconciling Complicity in Genocide and Aiding and Abetting Genocide in the Jurisprudence of the United Nations Ad Hoc Tribunals